An exhibition for FORM at The Goods Shed featuring Leeroy New (Philippines), Yufang Chi (Taiwan/Australia), Eko Nugroho (Indonesia), and Angela Yuen (Hong Kong). Artists transform plastic into artwork as a strategy of creative re-use and to draw attention to our environmental crisis. Artworks in Plasticology represent our commonly shared global responsibility to the environment, highlighting our connectivity to each other. Plastic is a synthetic material that was widely adopted around one hundred years ago due to low production costs, and the ease of manufacturing. The durability of plastic allows the material to be moulded into a variety of objects and shapes. Whilst these qualities have made plastic appealing, the majority of plastics are not biodegradable, so they do not break down and this negative environmental impact is only being fully realized. With only nine per cent of the world’s plastic currently recycled, 150 million metric tonnes of plastic enter our ocean every year and it is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Photos: Courtesy Sundae Studio